Program Requirements
Attend Essentials of Effective Teaching and Attend Monthly Seminars. Some Topics Include:
The Dispositions of a Teacher
The Growth and Development of the Student
Georgia Standards of Excellence
The Effective Teaching Cycle
Unit and Lesson Planning
Creating a Standards-Based Classroom
Assessment Process
Effective Co-Teaching
Classroom Management
Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Teachers
Incorporating Instructional Technology
Educator Ethics
Effective Instructional Practices
Formative Instructional Practices
Introduction to TKES
Complete course assignments and program requirements at a proficient or distinguished level
Final observation results are at a proficient or distinguished level
Professional Responsibilities and Teacher Dispositions are at a proficient or distinguished level
GATAPP Portfolio (Evidence of 24 competencies) Evaluation results are at a proficient or distinguished level.
Complete Special Georgia Requirements
Passing score on GACE Content Assessment
Complete HB 671 Exceptional Children Course
Complete Teaching of Reading and Writing (If applicable to certification)
Pay Program Fees ($4500 - add additional $500 for candidates not employed in a NEGA RESA District School)